Done with a fantastic tour in Norway. What a beautiful country we have!
Thanks to all of you who joined me on this tour! Thanks for coming to my conserts and shearing the joy of music with me!
I just love singing these songs from my new album! And the other songs on the consert. Great evening every time and I can´t wait till our Sweden and Denish tour! That will be wonderful!
Now I am doing some signings for the album at different places around Oslo for the next 4 days. Tomorrow evening I will start at Strømmen and Jessheim. It is nice to meet the audience like this, but it can also be a bit stressful as time is running fast and I can´t talk to everybody as much as I wanted. But people are so nice and positive and I really enjoy meeting everybody!
Now I will listen to some Holiday music and relax and enjoy before working again!
Take care and enjoy!
Take care and enjoy the wonderful Holiday Season!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 215 of 215Dear Sissel,
It's almost time to start your Christmas tour. We may have snow tomorrow where I live. It is early for us, but you probably have had snow already. I'll be thinking of you as you tour Norway bringing Christmas music and joy of the season. I'm sending good wishes your way for a successful tour, good health, and safety for you and those who tour with you.
Peace, happiness, and season's greetings, Lee
Dear Sissel,
Each time I read about your Christmas show it makes me wish I could see it even more. The idea of combining gospel and Christmas is so good. The song choices are good, and I know you are good. Words from reporters are not the same as being there, but they help. I think of you each day you are entertaining and send good wishes. I can almost hear the applause and cheering from across the ocean. Enjoy each concert and try to stay as rested as you can in spite of the hectic pace. Bravo, Lee
Dear Sissel,
As I type this, you have just started your first concert at Kristiansand, and I am thinking of you. Because of your Christmas tour, I am more conscious of Norway time and US time. I know I will see good comments about this show, and once again I wish I could be there. I'm not sure you see my comments here. Maybe they are just automatically deleted, but I will continue to send my good wishes and thanks for giving us the best gift of all at this time of year--your talent. Always, Lee
Dear Sissel,
Thanks for the photos you have posted of your tour. Your photos are always good and help me learn more about the interesting places you visit while touring. Every comment I have read about Sissel's Jul is so positive that you, the gospel group, and the band must be energized by the Christmas spirit that fills the rooms. It's hard to believe that the tour is past the halfway point already. I hope that you are able to get enough rest and are enjoying what is a memorable time for so many. Lee
Dear Sissel,
Thanks for more great photos of your tour. Glad you landed safely at Harstad. I was hoping for Northern Lights there, but that shows that I know nothing of when they appear. Logic says the skies should be clear. The daylight may be missing, but there will be a warm glow inside the theater from the beauty of your music.
Thanks, again, for taking your fans along with you on your tour. I am enjoying this so much.
Christmas greetings and love, Lee
As I write this, the time for your last concert on Sissel's Jul tour is approaching. I can feel the joy of anticipation that the people who are attending must feel. I wish you great happiness and satisfaction in a tour well done. There is a warm feeling at Christmas time that can't be duplicated even by logs in the fireplace. Wish everyone could keep this feeling far into the new year. By now you are probably ready to go home to be with your family. I wish you all good things at Christmas time and always. Lee
Dear Sissel,
Today (12/22/13) is the first step on the journey to spring when each day holds a little more daylight than the one before. The journey is a time of hope as nature moves toward a new day, a rebirth, a beautiful reawakening of life in nature. If all of this can happen in God's natural world, I think it is possible for it to happen to the people of this world, too. Are the Christmas cookies finished baking? Do you make them in the shape of musical notes?
Merry Christmas to you and yours. Lee
Dear Sissel, I am writing this on New Year's Eve to thank you for something that made this year special to me: the autographed picture you sent to me. I'm still dealing with a serious health problem, but your picture and kind written words mean so very much to me. I do not know what lies ahead for me, but your music and concerts continue to brighten my days. I'll never take any day for granted again. Each one is precious. May 2014 bring you and those you love health, joy, and all you wish for. I hope I'll be writing to you next year at this time. Happy New Year, Lee
Dear Sissel, At this time of year I enjoy observing people hearing you for the first time from the "Auld Lang Syne" video that they either discovered on their own or were sent via Internet. Either way, the result is always the same: They think you are amazing and can't believe they had not heard of you before. Hope the new year is beginning well for you. We are in a deep freeze in Pennsylvania. It looks and feels like winter, but all I have to do is listen to your voice. The beauty warms me, and spring is just around the corner. Warm wishes, Lee
Hi, Sissel Today I feel like I could be in Norway. The temperature in PA (USA) with wind chill is -33 degrees. A fire in the fireplace would feel so good, but it would be a little scary since we don't have a fireplace. I have been trying to find a list of places that sell your CDs. My friends ask when I am praising your voice. I know Barnes & Noble is one. There must be others. Many people still don't like to order over the Internet. I am hoping for your new CD soon, but it is more important that you are singing and enjoying it. Stay well and warm. Always, Lee
Dear Sissel,
I have just come across two of the gospel songs you sang on your Christmas tour: "Oh Happy Day" and "Crying in the Chapel." They are great. I want to keep listening to them over and over again. Your voice, the harmony of the gospel trio--WOW! I am so glad you like to cross over into different genres, and you do it so well. Sure wish you had made a CD of those gospel songs. I'm going to go back and listen one more time before I get off the computer.
Love, Lee
Sissel, I am writing this 1/15/2014, and tonight is full moon. I know you like nature and might appreciate this. On clear nights around full moon, the moon shines in my bedroom window on my pillow and I feel the moonlight. The light is not hot, but somehow seems warm. I think of "Clair De Lune" and wish that you would sing it. The angle changes, and the moon drops below the tree line. For the next couple of nights, I wish for clear skies so I can experience this again before the moon wanes. Have you performed "Clair De Lune"? Did you record it? Always, Lee
Sissel, I enjoy your singing "Crying in the Chapel" and "Oh, Happy Day" so much. I can't help but smile when you sing "Oh, Happy Day." It is such a joyful song. The world needs more songs like that. You and your trio sound so good. I wish I could hear more of those gospel songs, maybe on a CD (hint, hint).
Hope things are going well for you. Where I live snowy owls have come to visit us from the Arctic. This happens occasionally, but this year there are more than I ever remember. The back roads are not good (snow). Hope I get to see one soon. Lee
Dear Sissel, I have just come across the song "Hole in the World" from your "Til Deg." It is beautiful! Don't know why I never listened to it before. Maybe the title was just too true to life today. I can't find the lyrics. All I can find is another song of the same title by the Eagles. I have come to appreciate your "Til Deg" album more and more. I want to get the CD. It has been a cold winter--zero today. Last night was a great sunset--almost as pretty as the one you show here. Wish you would still comment here, but it is time-consuming to do one place, let alone two. Lee
Hi, Sissel Because of the river's freezing over, bald eagles have congregated at a hydroelectric power plant near us. 61 eagles have been seen there at one time. Makes me think of the song "On Eagle's Wings" by Michael Joncas. I like the song, but I know I would like it even better if you sang it. Tomorrow is Groundhog's Day. The groundhog "predicts" the coming of spring.If he sees his shadow, 6 more weeks of winter. If he doesn't, spring is near. I listen to you sing, and spring is just around the corner no matter what. Lee
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