Hello friends,
Hope you all are doing fine!
Back in my home and the normal daily life. It is very nice to be home and it really helps getting rid off the Jet lag. It took me about a week. But the best thing is to see family and friends and our 2 cats again! We have two very handsome and lovely cats, that makes life very amusing!
The spring has actually arrived in the southern part of Scandinavia and some trees and flowers are even blooming! Beautiful, but scary too. It feels so early. Too early! In the mountains up at our cottage, there is so much wind and snow these days that the only way to get out in the morning is through a window. The door is locked by snow! :-) Can't wait to get up there! But that has to wait.
Have a wonderful day everybody!
;-) S
You sing wonderfully!!!!!!
I'm glad you're home safe. I love cats, you should post a picture of your cats. :)
Your cottage sounds nice, is it called a hytta
Alt for Norge og Sissel Kyrkjebø
I'm thrilled to have "discovered" you on PBS in December. My Norwegian friends here in New Jersey say I have fine taste! Is there any way to get the lyrics for the songs on Northern Lights? I got the album on Amazon Downloads and it has no credits or lyrics. Thank you.
It must be a beautiful place you live.
Hope you have nice days with your family and cats :)
Also I hope your next DVD soon...
Thank you for your beautiful voice.
hi sissel! we're all glad you are home safe and sound!
you really should post a picture of your cats, that would be so adorable to see!
love you sissel!
Ja borte bra men hjemme best.
Enten der er katter eller hest.
Men det som virkelig får meg til å gynge,
det er å høre deg synge.
Det er hva jeg liker aller mest.
Fordi det er du som virkelig er best.
Hilsen fra katte-elsker,
og Sissel-elsker,
Dear Sissel,
I am SO glad you are continuing your blog some. I just love being able to write you and hear directly from you. This is so fun!
Your life and where you live sound lovely. I am going to visit your beautiful Bergen Norway soon.
I look forward to all your music to come. Thank you, as always, for enriching my life.
I have 2 cats, too!...and 2 dogs..
A devoted fan, Barb.
Yes, Sissel,
post picture of your cats :)
Wow! I just found your music this week. From time to time, I look on the internet for information about my ancestry from Norway and I found you and your music. I am quite AMAZED at your gifts. Now, I have spent a bunch of money on DVDs, CDs and MP3 downloads. I am listening to your music over and over. I am sorry that I just missed the concert tour here in the US.
Re: my ancestry - I have a "Slaegten" (?) book of my family tree written in Norwegian that shows a picture of Johan L. Hirsch paa Jonsberg (is that a town?).
Sissel - you make me proud of my ancestry. Thank you for sharing your gifts.
Hi Sissel,Glad you made it home safe.and your cats are ok too..weather is indeed strange here in Dublin,no snow looking forward to your concert on June 14th.Take care and keep safe.
Best wishes,
Liam Wilson.
My Dear Sissel,So glad to hear you made it home safe an sound, your resting well i hope...i am looking foreward to seeing you in Kansas city in April,my friend who is a wonderful song writter in the UK has planned to come and visit me,for the last 6 months ,she was supposed to be here the first of March, but when i told her you were coming here in concert on April 24th ,she refuses to come now until ,april 1st i find it very amusing.. but am glad we will both get to meet you...I think she may be writting a song for you .. she has real talent ..post pictures of your girls too ..
Hörru norskan, jag har ett förslag, vi slår ihop Norge och Sverige igen, så får Innerst i sjelen bli vår nationalsång, vad säger du?=)
Hei Sissel:)
Her i Japan skal du vite at japanerne er svært takknemlig for engelstemmen din.
Og når de spør hvor jeg er fra, og jeg sier stolt svarer "Norge", så kommer de fort med ordenen,Fjodo (fjorder) Orua (Nordlys) og "Shiseru kjyshobå"(Sissel Kyrkjebø),he,he.
Jeg har funnet ut at du synger "Sukiyaki" sangen på norsk, om om du vet hvor jeg kan finne den norske teksten til den, så hadde jeg blitt såååå takknemlig.
Ha en velsigna dag.
Smil fra Nina
Hei Sissel.
Takker for hyggelig hilsen og gode ord i forum. Koselig gjort kjære Sissel :-)
Så deg på tv nå i kveld og det ble som alltid, med deg, en meget trivelig stund. Gøy å høre forskjellige meninger om musikk og tekst. Lærerikt også.
Bet meg merke i at du sa: "det enkle kan være det vanskeligste".
Nemlig! Det er akkurat det.
Jeg gleder meg så skikkelig til neste konsertopplevelse med deg.
Ha det riktig bra!
Takk for gleden!
Hilsen Gunnar
Dear Sissel, Thank you so much for coming to Chicago. My wife and I were privileged to have 2nd row center stage seats at the Park West; courtesy of our eldest daughter,who knew that I have wanted to see you perform since I first discovered your amazing talent many years ago.
(I have all but worn out your CDs and DVDs) My dream has now been realized and I will always cherish this wonderful evening. I am hopeful that you will return to the Chicago area soon.
Good Luck and God Speed
Hei Sissel, jeg vet du er veldig travel og alt det der>D
du er en fantastisk artist, og det har du nok hoert foer. Naa som jeg for tiden bor i Usa er det morsomt aa hoere at folk har hoert om deg. maa nok innroemme at det gjoer meg litt stilt av aa vaere norsk>D
Haaper alt er bra, og fortsett med det flotte du gjoer.
Men saa er det noe jeg virkelig vil at du skal sjekke ut. jeg har en veldig god venn som er en kjempe fan av deg. Han elsker deg over alt paa jord, selv om det kanskje hoeres litt skremmende, saa er det sant. akkurat som deg, har han en helt fantasisk stemme som en engel.. bare litt moerkere stemme da;)
vaer saa snill aa sjekk ut musikken hans.. da ville han blitt veldig glad.
og tusen takk>D
det var ogsaa en artikkel om han i Daily Journal...
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